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    碳熨斗有752#,751#,701#,等系列。我公司长年生产出口:绞肉机,研磨机,刨冰机,碳(炭}熨斗,灌肠器,汉堡机,果汁机,玉米机,面条机。手摇油泵,鞋钉,美俄式白铁剪刀等 食品机械,五金工农具产品。质优价廉,长年出口畅销欧美[如美国沃尔玛超市,QVC公司],德国,俄罗斯,中东,东南亚,非洲,等国家和地区。 出口率为99.9%,其中绞肉机月产量10*20&dquo;GP, 1.绞肉机: 有手摇手电两用铸铁烤银漆、电镀锡、挂锡及不锈钢等系列绞肉机,包括 5#,7#,8#,10#,12#,22#,32#,42#,52#,62#,号具有体积小,重量轻,操作灵活,清洗简易,效率高等特点。可绞制粗细肉馅,肉丁,菜馅等,可另配有灌肠器,多规格十字刀圆刀。该机广泛适用于家庭厨房及肉食加工点,主供出口 。 42#,52#,62#喷塑绞肉机适用于养殖,绞制各种粗肉馅及骨头,工作效率高。 2.手摇研磨机,玉米脱粒机,面条机: 有500#,150#,高斗,低斗系列研磨机。 3.灌肠器、果汁机、汉堡机有电镀锡、不锈钢系列。 4.刨冰机有手摇整装、散装系列,手电两用系列刨冰机 5.炭熨斗,碳熨斗有752#,751#,701#,等系列 。 6、五金工农具:手摇油泵,鞋钉,美俄式白铁剪刀等

    Ou company mainly manufactue: meat mince ,con ginde o con mill ,con theshe ,ice

    shaving machine ,juice ,noodle machine ,apple peele,oange peele,sausage stuffe

    machine,hambuge machine, chacoal ion,hand dill, hand opeated ginde wheel

    fame,hamme,axe,shovel,SCRAPER bicklaye,steel pick,steel fok,shoe tack,common

    nail,oofing nail,packing needle,hand sewing needle ,scew, safety pin etc .shoe

    ,plywood,gypsum boad,T-SHIRT ,colth,,plastic and willow basket,Ceamic dish,Atificial

    silk ,dehydated galic powde .

    Meat mince manufactue 10*20gp/one month ,Expot to Ameica,[such as: walmaket ]South

    1.Meat mince include hand opeated and hand&moto opeated ,electo plate tin meat mince,fie plate meat mince, slive paint meat mince, stainless steel meat mince, the ae #5,#8,#10,#12,#22,#32,#42 ETC 2.Con machine ,GRAIN MILL,ginde/mulle: include:500# ,150# high hoppe &low hoppe,150# etc. 3.Saussage stuffe machine,Juice machine :mateial:cast ion &staliness, tined-plate. 4.Chacoal ion :752#,751#,701#,753#,707# etc,2.1KG 2.3kg,2.5kg,2.7kg ...... BUT NO soncap 5.Ice shaving machine :hand-opeated thee ae in complete packing &in bulk packing ,hand&moto opeated[PLATE HAVE BRASS PLATE ,AND BRASS-PLATED PLATEETC] 6.Shoe tack: 1/2",5/8",3/4", 1"

    5#-32# Hand-Opeated Meat Minces1.Usage:Employing advanced tin-plating technology ,the 5#-32# hand-opeated meat minces ae distinguished fo thei beautiful shape ,bight and smooth suface ,and simple and ational stuctue ,handy to use ,they ae suitable fo use in homes ,canteens and estauants in pocessing vaious kinds of minced meat and fuit jam easily dismantled fo cleaning ,the meat minces meet food hygiene equiements.2.Using pocedue:Use hot wate to clean the mince pats and wipe dy assemble the pats togethe accoding to diagam instuctions and then affix it on a boad .Adjust the scew ing ,place the cutte and ginde paallel in a ginding position ,and ensue that the handle can be opeated easily.Clean the meat ,emove the skin and bones and cut into stips , put the meat stips into the feede and then un the handle fo mincing .3.Maintenance :Wash the mince evey time afte use and wipe dy coat it with a few dops of edible oil to pevent usting .Meat Mince ,Meat ginde ,meat choppe, mincing machine,mangle1) Suface: tin electo-plated, hot tin and silve painting2) Mateial: cast ion, stainless steel o aluminium3) hand opeated, and table mounted4) Model 5#8#10#12#22#32#42#5) Accessoy: blade and coss knife of diffeent diametes fo diffeent models



