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    (图)TPE/SB2710/部件 POM N2320C、‖。LCP 7233、→,PC-110V 、‖。PA66 KN3322VO、ABS 795KBPOE 891、→,EPDM 8120E、‖。TPV A67BW、TPE PB-5302、→,PMMA P-611、→,THV FE5610Q、HDPE 5236 HX、‖。TPU WHT-1495、→,PC DL003P、‖。PA6 GP2200A、PP MB-1006HS-S、PP R601、‖。PPS 6465A62、PP 3369-01 、‖。TPU T5384 、‖。LCP LC5030CF、→,LLDPE 2256G、‖。PP HE07、PP K9020、→,PP 3040、→,PP 6232、PC/‖。PBT ENH2900-WH9GG37、→,PA6 PB350M8、‖。PP 1205、‖。PA6 PK0069、‖。PP RP127K 、‖。PA6 N-33FG-1626、‖。PC HP4-1H11、→,PP RB31D、‖。TPEE 82D、→,ASA FR-2AWT209、PCN-2001W、‖。PA6 K224-G6U、PP FS2011E2 、LDPE LD-18AS、‖。PP 100LMB、‖。POM CFX-0261、‖。PP R390Y MPE 1023、‖。PC DF005、TPE CA3-7001、HDPE HD5620TPR EPK70A 、‖。PP C300S4BK、→,LLDPE 2022L、PC 1303-10C、→,LLDPE 、→,PP TKC156N、→,GPPS PS-130、→,PVDF DS204、PC 3022U(02) PA9T GA2330 PA10T XE 4101POE 8150、‖。TPE TF8AAE、PC G2510 ETFE HT-2183、‖。PP PX-617、‖。COC 5013S-04、‖。PC G-3410、→,PP EP648VOBC 9100、‖。PP C370B73、‖。PA66 LSG-440A、‖。PBT 5202HF、‖。PC SC-1220R、→,PA12 1080BI64、PC/ABS T64、→,PP 7985、LDPE 2303-FG、PC/ABS HP-5004、POM pefomance paametePefomance index homopolyme POM copolymeization POM 25%GFPOMelative densityOne point fou theeOne point fou oneOne point six oneWate absoption ate,%Two point fiveTwo point one-Molding shinkage ate,%1.5 ~ 31.5 ~ 3.5-Tensile stength, MPaSeventySixty-twoOne hunded and thityElongation at beak,%FotySixty-Bending stength, MPaNinetyNinety-eightOne hunded and eighty-twoTensile modulus of elasticity, MPaThee thousand one hunded and sixtyTwo thousand eight hunded and thityEight thousand and thee hundedFlexual modulus of elasticity, MPaTwo thousand eight hunded and eightyTwo thousand and six hundedSeven thousand and six hundedCompession stength, MPaOne hunded and twenty-sevenOne hunded and ten-Shea stength, MPaSixty-sevenFifty-fou-Notch impact stength, (J/m)Seventy-sixSixty-fiveEighty-sixRockwell hadnessM94M80-Fiction facto-Zeo point one five-Fatigue limit, MPaThity-fiveThity-one-Themal defomation tempeatue (1.82MPa), centigadeOne hunded and tenOne hunded and twenty-fouOne hunded and sixty-theeLong tem use tempeatue, centigadeEightyOne hunded-Coefficient of linea expansion (x 10K)Seven point fiveEight point fiveTwo point sixThemal conductivity [W/ (m ? K)]Zeo point two theeZeo point two thee-Volume esistivity, Omega cmTenTen3.8 x 10Dielectic constant (10Hz)Thee point eightTwo point sevenPPO L) non cystalline mateial, moistue absoption is small, the PPO wate absoption ate is vey low, but the wate will make the poduct appea on the suface of silve, bubbles and othe defects, theefoe, can be placed in the oven aw 80~1OOC Shen, dy 1-2h afte use.2) the molecula bond of PPO is vey igid, and the glass convesion tempeatue is high, and it is not easy to oientate, but it is difficult to elax afte foced oientation. Theefoe, the esidual intenal stess in the poduct is high, and it should be teated afte the post.3) PPO is an amophous mateial. The heological popeties of the mateial in the melting state ae close to the Newton fluid, but the geate the degee of deviation fom the Newton fluid as the tempeatue ises.4) the viscosity of PPO melt is lage, so the tempeatue should be impoved and the injection pessue should be impoved to impove the filling ability.5) the euse of PPO can be eused, and it is used epeatedly 3 times, and its pefomance is not significantly educed.6) the PPO melt should be molded by a scew injection molding machine. The nozzle has a good staight though, and the apetue is 3-6mm7) in PPO injection molding, high pessue and high speed injection should be taken, and the time of pessue potection and cooling should not be too long.8) the spue mold should adopt lage tape o by pulling hook, spue to stub as well.9) the gate should be diectly, fanned o flat, and the diamete should be inceased popely when the needle gate is used, and the stuctue of the hot unne can be used fo the long cast.10) the foming shinkage ate of PPO is small, which is geneally 0.2% 1 0.7%, so the poduct has good size stability.11) poo fluidity, which is simila to Newton fluid, the viscosity is moe sensitive to the tempeatue, and the thickness of the poduct is geneally above 0.8 mm. It is vey easy to decompose, and the coosion gas is poduced when decomposing. The molding tempeatue should be stictly contolled. The mold should be heated and the flow esistance of the feed system should be small.12) wate polyphenylene ethe's low ate of about 0.06%, but the tace moistue can lead to smooth silve and othe phenomena appea on the suface of the poduct, it is best fo the dying pocess, the tempeatue can not be highe than 150 degees, othewise the colo will change.13) the molding tempeatue of polyphenylene ethe is 280-330 degees, and the molding tempeatue of the modified polyphenylene ethe is 260-285 degees. PPO plastic aw mateial injection pocess melting tempeatue: 270-290 Capplication aea



