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最后更新: 2019-02-04 06:24
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:569
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    金力电机是集微型交直流电机和微型数控减速箱的研发,生产,销售于一体,目前国内唯一一家同时规模化生产交直流电机和减速箱的现代化高新技术企业。产品分两大类:减速箱/微型电机共二百多个品种。产品广泛用于金融机械、医疗器械、航天军工设备、工业自动化、控制电源、电子门锁、电动窗帘、自动贩卖机、游艺设备、广告设备、安防器材、舞台灯光、自动理牌机、家用电器、电子阀门/水表、卫浴电器、电动工具、高端电动玩具、按摩器材等。各类交直流电机及减速箱产量达:800万台/月,在广东惠州及湖北武穴各有一处生产基地,总职员人员超过1000人。在台湾,上海,成都,广州,杭州,宁波,深圳等地设有直属销售分公司。  公司拥有一批高素质的人才,专业从事微电机,减速箱,交流马达的研发、生产及销售。除常规各类微电机及减速箱产品外,另自主研发各类异型非标微电机及减速箱产品五十余款。凭借雄厚的技术开发能力和生产销售能力,产品畅销全国各地,并远销欧美、澳洲、日韩、中东等国家。我们将不断优化市场,持续提升各种硬件设备和制作工艺水平,确保客户满意,赶超同行企业,致力成为国内高端电机最优秀的制造商!  我们的宗旨是以精立业,满足客户需要;以质取胜,制造可靠产品;以诚相待,提供优质服务。

    Kingly Moto is a high-tech entepise engaged in designing, manufactuing and selling both AC,DC Motos and Gea Motos, which ae widely applied in financial machiney, office automation, electonic locks, electic cutains, electic toy, medical equipment, vending machines, electical appliances, electonic valve, electonic wate mete, sanitay appliances, powe tools, massage appaatus, etc.

    Kingly Moto has two poduction bases, one is in Huizhou city, Guangdong povince, and the othe is in Wuxue city, Hubei povince.A total staff is moe than 1000 employees with monthly manufactuing capacity up to 8,000,000PCS. Meanwhile, we established sales banches in Taiwan,Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shenzhen etc.

    To ensue high-quality and best sevice, Kingly built up pofessional teams engaged in eseach, poduct engineeing and sales. Besides moe than 100 kinds of nomal mico moto and geabox, we developed moe than 50 types of non-standad motos designed by ouselves. With stong technology developing ability and manufactuing capability, ou poducts ae at good demand both in domestic and foeign makets with customes aound the wold especially Euope, United States, Austalia, Japan, The Middle East etc.

    We will optimize the maket continuously, and impove the level of ou equipment and technology to satisfy customes. By supassing othe entepises in this industy, we stive to become the most excellent moto manufactue!

    Ou tenet: make entepise with excelsio attitude, win customes with high quality, and teat anybody with all sinceity!


    金力电机是集微型交直流电机和微型数控减速箱的研发,生产,销售于一体,目前国内唯一一家同时规模化生产交直流电机和减速箱的现代化高新技术企业。产品分两大类:减速箱/微型电机共二百多个品种。产品广泛用于金融机械、医疗器械、航天军工设备、工业自动化、控制电源、电子门锁、电动窗帘、自动贩卖机、游艺设备、广告设备、安防器材、舞台灯光、自动理牌机、家用电器、电子阀门/水表、卫浴电器、电动工具、高端电动玩具、按摩器材等。各类交直流电机及减速箱产量达:800万台/月,在广东惠州及湖北武穴各有一处生产基地,总职员人员超过1000人。在台湾,上海,成都,广州,杭州,宁波,深圳等地设有直属销售分公司。  公司拥有一批高素质的人才,专业从事微电机,减速箱,交流马达的研发、生产及销售。除常规各类微电机及减速箱产品外,另自主研发各类异型非标微电机及减速箱产品五十余款。凭借雄厚的技术开发能力和生产销售能力,产品畅销全国各地,并远销欧美、澳洲、日韩、中东等国家。我们将不断优化市场,持续提升各种硬件设备和制作工艺水平,确保客户满意,赶超同行企业,致力成为国内高端电机最优秀的制造商!  我们的宗旨是以精立业,满足客户需要;以质取胜,制造可靠产品;以诚相待,提供优质服务。

    Kingly Moto is a high-tech entepise engaged in designing, manufactuing and selling both AC,DC Motos and Gea Motos, which ae widely applied in financial machiney, office automation, electonic locks, electic cutains, electic toy, medical equipment, vending machines, electical appliances, electonic valve, electonic wate mete, sanitay appliances, powe tools, massage appaatus, etc.

    Kingly Moto has two poduction bases, one is in Huizhou city, Guangdong povince, and the othe is in Wuxue city, Hubei povince.A total staff is moe than 1000 employees with monthly manufactuing capacity up to 8,000,000PCS. Meanwhile, we established sales banches in Taiwan,Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shenzhen etc.

    To ensue high-quality and best sevice, Kingly built up pofessional teams engaged in eseach, poduct engineeing and sales. Besides moe than 100 kinds of nomal mico moto and geabox, we developed moe than 50 types of non-standad motos designed by ouselves. With stong technology developing ability and manufactuing capability, ou poducts ae at good demand both in domestic and foeign makets with customes aound the wold especially Euope, United States, Austalia, Japan, The Middle East etc.

    We will optimize the maket continuously, and impove the level of ou equipment and technology to satisfy customes. By supassing othe entepises in this industy, we stive to become the most excellent moto manufactue!

    Ou tenet: make entepise with excelsio attitude, win customes with high quality, and teat anybody with all sinceity!



