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    (图)POM/K300EWB/BK/定时器 TPU 64DJ、→,THV FC2180、POM CW-01 BK PA1010 RS LC1200 PEI 1000R-GN5081、PC LD7000FT、TPE TC6YNZ、PP EKC133N、→,PA66 RZ006SXP、→,PA9T G1300 M42BK、→,EAA HX8290、→,PMMA MI7G、PC 2081-12、‖。PP P2613GN、‖。PPO PX1005X、PA66 A70 MOS2、PPS TS401 HS、→,EVA WSEA4040、‖。LCP A950、‖。PC 121 21125、LCP 6130LX NC、‖。POM KP003AXZ、‖。PP 3629、‖。PA66 77G43L-BK031、‖。PC DF2049、→,PC342M6、→,PBT KP213G15SI 、PA66 RE007 BK、‖。TPV A67BW、TPE PB-5302、→,PMMA P-611、→,THV FE5610Q、HDPE 5236 HX、‖。TPU WHT-1495、→,PC DL003P、‖。PA6 GP2200A、PP MB-1006HS-S、PP R601、‖。PPS 6465A62、PP 3369-01 、‖。TPU T5384 、‖。LCP LC5030CF、→,LLDPE 2256G、‖。PP HE07、PP K9020、→,PP 3040、→,PP 6232、PC/‖。PBT ENH2900-WH9GG37、→,PA6 PB350M8、‖。PP 1205、‖。PA6 PK0069、‖。PP RP127K 、‖。PA6 N-33FG-1626、‖。PC HP4-1H11、→,PP RB31D、‖。TPEE 82D、→,ASA FR-2AWT209、PCN-2001W、‖。PA6 K224-G6U、PP FS2011E2 、LDPE LD-18AS、‖。PP 100LMB、‖。POM CFX-0261、‖。PP R390Y MPE 1023、‖。PC DF005、TPE CA3-7001、HDPE HD5620TPR EPK70A 、‖。PP C300S4BK、PC/ABS HAG-5210、‖。PBT T7323PA6Z-30、The molding tempeatue of LCP plastic mateial is high. Because of its vaiety, the melting tempeatue is within the ange of 300~425 C. The viscosity of LCP melt is low, the fluidity is good, and it is simila to the olefin plastic. LCP has a vey small coefficient of linea expansion and a good dimensional stability. The foming pocessing conditions ae as follows: molding tempeatue 300~390 C, mould tempeatue 100~260 C, molding pessue 7~100MPa, compession atio 2.5~4, and molding shinkage ate 0.1~0.6.1. bael tempeatueGeneally, the tempeatue of the bael, the tempeatue of the nozzle and the melting tempeatue of the mateial ae shown as shown in the table.If the sevice life of the scew is taken into account, the tempeatue diffeence between the ea, the middle and the font can be educed. In ode to pevent the nozzle salivation, nozzle tempeatue than shown in the table of the low tempeatue of 10 DEG C, if you want to impove the liquidity, the tempeatue can be shown in the table than the tempeatue highe than 20 DEG C, but must pay attention to the following cicumstances.When the bael tempeatue is loweed, the detention time is too long, which will not cause the aging of ganula mateial in the containe and no coosive gas. Theefoe, thee will be no big poblems if the esidence time is long. Howeve, if the molding is inteupted fo a long time, please educe the tempeatue of the bael. When it is e fomed, it is good to thow out a few models.Bael tempeatue (centigade) fo each gade moldingPA6 PA6, also known as nylon 6, is a tanslucent o opaque milky white paticle. It has the chaacteistics of themoplastic, light weight, good toughness, good chemical duability and so on. It is widely used in automotive pats, mechanical components, electonic and electical poducts, engineeing accessoies and othe poducts.1.1 bief intoduction2.2 pocessing technology3.3 basic chaacteistics4. afte PA6 and PA665.4 application angebief intoductionName: polyamide 6 o nylon 6 (PA6)Chaacte: semitanspaent o opaque milk white cystalline polymeChaacteistics: themoplastic, light quality, good toughness, good chemical esistance and duabilityCombustion identification method: blue bottom yellow flame, plant flavoSolvent expeiment: cyclohexanone and aomatic solventsDensity: (g/cm3) 1.14-1.15Balance wate absoption: 3.5%It has good wea esistance, self lubication and solvent esistance.Tensile stength: > 60.0MpaElongation: > 30%Bending stength: 90.0MpaNotch impact stength: > 5 (KJ/m2)Pocessing technologyBasic chaacteisticsPA66 is anti - soluble fo many solvents, but is weak in esistance to acids and othe chloinating agents.PA66 Catalog1.1 use2.2 injection molding pocess3.3 defect teatment4.4 physical popety tablepuposeInjection speed:High speed (einfoced slightly lowe). The unne and gate: because PA612 solidification time is vey shot, the gate location is impotant. The apetue not less than 0.5*t (whee t is the thickness of plastic pats). If the use of hot unne, gate size should be smalle than the use of conventional channels, because of the hot unne can help to pevent pematue feeze. If you dive into the gate, the minimum diamete of the gate should be 0.75mm Defect teatmentResolvent:1. Check whethe the aw mateials ae wet o mixed with othe mateials2. Check whethe the aw mateial is decomposed in the bael (bael tempeatue)Too high, the scew speed is too fast)3. Check whethe the nozzle hole is too small4. Check whethe the model tempeatue is too low5. Bad die exhaust6. Whethe the size of the gate is too small7. The back pessue is too low and the ecycled mateial is too muchThe solution of weld mak in the pocessing of nylon 612 poducts:The mechanism is that the low bonding tempeatue is vey low at the end of the flow at the end of the flow, so that the combination of the two stand flows is not close.Resolvent:1. Incease the pessue and speed of injection2. Impove the mold tempeatue3, impove the tempeatue of the mateial4. Impove the moldThe solution of the exhaust and shinkage of the nylon 612 poducts duing pocessing:The mechanism is the injection o shinkage of the poduct.If it was solved by injection moldingIf it is to shink the wate, the solution is solved.The solution of the focal spot poduced duing the pocessing of nylon 612 poducts:The mechanism is that when the injection speed is high, the ubbe cavity will occupy the mold cavity at high speed. When the gas in the mold cavity is not enough to exclude, the gas will be compessed and the poduct will be scoched afte the gas is compessed.



